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Hello writing about prices

Hæ, ég vildi vita verð þitt.



==> <==

==> <==


Hi i write about your the price for reseller

Hæ, ég vildi vita verð þitt.

Hello, wrote about the prices

Hæ, ég vildi vita verð þitt.

Hi i writing about your price for reseller

Hola, volia saber el seu preu.

Hallo, i write about your the price

Hæ, ég vildi vita verð þitt.

Aloha write about prices

হাই, আমি আপনার মূল্য জানতে চেয়েছিলাম.

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Все несложное и хорошо работающее тут. Я все покажу, напиши мне сюда 000***

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